Diamond Investments 4 day update

+8.2 Units, heating back up

đź’Ž+5 units made! Last night sweptđź’Ž

Thats right, last night we kept it simple, 2 plays, 2 winners adding up to +5 units flat. We’re not up +8.2 units with football creeping around the corner.

If you’re still waiting for reg season to start, keeping holding! We’ve got that deal for you below if you check out with “NFLSPECIAL” you’ll get an early bird discount for the month.

Plays posting in the Discord soon

Our All time NFL Record

+170.27 units in the last 2 NCAAF/NFL Seasons

DON’T share this link out, exclusive to our email members only

Our NFL Record (2022-2023)

2022: 153 wins - 99 losses

2023: 84 wins - 51 losses

Our NCAAF Record (2022-2023)

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